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Elephants / Olifanten
(update February 2nd 2017)

Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen - Wederikweg 114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)50 534 8795; email: [email protected]

Ordering information / Bestelinformatie

C. van den Berg N.V.
import en export van overzeesch hardhout
Antwerpen, 1943; brief met 15 x 6 cm groene afbeelding van houtopslagplaats met werkende olifanten; verticale blauwe verfstreep (niet door afbeelding); handtekening van dir. C.van den Berg, prijs 95 €.

olifanten op briefhoofd uit België

In May last year, Tim Cook began his India visit with a pre-dawn visit to a famous Hindu temple in Mumbai. He was photographed praying to the Hindu elephant god, Ganesha, who is the Lord of Beginnings and the Remover of obstacles - pretty much marked what Apple business status was over there, and what Mr. Cook needed to achieve. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi was sporting, intentionally allowing himself to be photographed and captured on video that he was very pleased with his iPhone, while being right beside Tim Cook (bron: Seeking Alpha, 2 febr. 2017).
